Auto Photo Renamer is software that can be used to rename the photos of different file types. The renaming feature is extended to other file types which come in handy. The tool is packed with lots of features. The tool consists of a regular Windows-like interface which makes it easy to understand. The tool consists of a window on the left which shows the folder structure along with highlighting the current folder it is mapped to. It provides the feature of beginner and expert tabs. The beginner tab contains most of the basic features suiting our requirements. One can use this tool to adjust the rename settings to suit ones preferences.
Auto Photo Renamer provides features like adding date info, adding time info, removing old file name, adding a new name or replacing the existing name with a new one. There is a preview of the filename provided which helps users understand the current name of the file after selecting the above features. This comes in very handy and is also an attractive feature of the tool. There is an option of selecting sub folders wherein one can replace the entire files under the folder and its sub folders thereby reducing a great amount of time for the users.